A horrific accident occurred early Monday morning on the Dehgam-Naroda highway in Ahmedabad, claiming the lives of two individuals. A drunk driver, identified as Mitesh alias Gopal Patel, lost control of his speeding SUV, which jumped over a divider and collided with a scooter coming from the opposite direction. Police investigations revealed that Mitesh Patel, while driving his Hyundai Creta, …
A girl riding a scooty met with an accident and landed on a pillar of an elevated road in Noida. The emergency rescue team, including police and fire brigade personnel, quickly arrived at the scene and used a crane to rescue her. “A girl was going from Noida towards Ghaziabad; her scooty met with an accident, and she landed on …
The rituals of Navmi, the last day of the nine-day Hindu festival of Navratri, have just gotten over at her home in Kanhwara village in Madhya Pradesh’s Katni district, and Durga Bai Majhwar — better known as Durga Mausi — is dressed up as the goddess she is named after, ready for a performance at the famous Maa Sharda Temple …
A gang of six robbers, including three women, have been arrested in Ghaziabad and a countrymade pistol, a knife, Rs 70,000 cash and other things recovered for them, police said on Monday. They were arrested on the intervening night of Sunday and Monday, Senior Superintendent of Police Kalanidhi Naithani said, adding that the gang had robbed a house in Chiranjiv …