THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The state government will organise a meeting to commemorate legendary writer-filmmaker M T Vasudevan Nair at Tagore Theatre on Tuesday. The event will see the participation of prominent leaders, including Ministers V Sivankutty, G R Anil, and P A Mohamed Riyas, Leader of Opposition V D Satheesan, MPs Shashi Tharoor and A A Rahim, MLA Antony Raju, Mayor Arya …
Franklin Leonard, left, is founder and chief executive and Randy Winston is creative director for fiction at the Black List, a platform for unproduced manuscripts. Franklin Leonard’s the Black List, a platform that highlights the best unproduced scripts for film, television and theater, is expanding into the world of fiction. More than 400 scripts from its annual survey have been …
Actor-author Vivaan Shah visited Bengaluru on Friday for a unique literary event: a recitation of the works of Edgar Allen Poe. Actor-author Vivaan Shah shares that he doesn't write for his books to turn into a film or series Ask Shah, who recently released his third book, The Forsaken Wilderness, about the book-to-screen adaptation trend, which has been going strong …