Bollywood actress Tabu weighed in on the reason she and Shah Rukh Khan have not worked together since Saathiya. Tabu said that she is not a filmmaker or a scriptwriter who can answer the question, and added that she also has no control over which film Shah Rukh should and shouldn’t do. Speaking with Galatta India, Tabu said, “I am …
Some of the cast members show their dance moves during the event. It's a woman's campaign to restore her honor after a divorce and false charges of sexual misdeeds made by her ex-husband," says Liu. Liu says: "It's great to have a female scriptwriter adapt the novel into a play. In 2016, Ding made his directorial debut by adapting the …
Rana Daggubati is best known for his performance in movies like 'Baahubali', 'The Ghazi Attack' and 'Rudramadevi', but off the reel, he is also a VFX coordinator, a producer, a tech-enthusiast, an entrepreneur, and a businessman. Rana Daggubati with grandfather Ramanaidu Daggubati "Older studios in India like Vijayvani or Chadamama publications always had the literature team at the centre of …