India's primary housing market may register a modest single-digit price rise in 2025 after appreciating by an average 21 per cent last year as developers are expected to boost new supply to match up demand, according to industry experts. After increasing by an average of 21% last year, India's primary housing market may have a small single-digit price increase in …
May 29 was a historic yin-and-yang moment for Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and largest economy. On the positive side, a peaceful and orderly transfer of power followed a general election with Bola Ahmed Tinubu, 70, being sworn in in Abuja as Nigeria’s 16th Executive President. Having been a Governor of Lagos State, Nigeria’s economic capital, a long-standing political “kingmaker” …
Bengaluru is unlikely to get any respite from the incessant rains for the next couple of days as the Indian Meteorological Department said heavy rainfall activity will continue for the better part of the week. The poor infrastructure in the city’s technology corridor is “bringing down the efficiency and productivity of the companies and putting employees’ safety and wellbeing at …
Even a couple of years ago, Byron Liu, a graduate of Beijing’s elite Tsinghua University, the alma mater of the country’s President, would have been a prized catch in a competitive job market. Mr. Liu, instead, is among the 10.76 million graduating Chinese this year facing the worst job market in decades, as China’s economy deals with multiple pressures from …