Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday lauded the contribution of Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swami of Avadhoota Datta Peetham in the city and greeted him on his 80th birthday celebrations. The Prime Minister began his address by chanting ‘Jai Gurudatta’, the customary greeting of the ashram, and wished the seer and the devotees in Kannada. Mr. Modi said that the social …
Most artificial intelligence is still built on a foundation of human toil. “Getting self-supervised learning to work is very challenging, and breakthroughs in this space have important downstream consequences for improved visual recognition.” Russakovsky says it is notable that the Instagram images were not hand-picked to make independent learning easier. The Facebook research is a landmark for an AI approach …
The seer of Pejawar Mutt Vishwaprasanna Tirtha, who is a trustee of the 15-member Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust, said on Friday that the project cost of the Ram temple to be built at Ayodhya is yet to be estimated. Speaking to presspersons, he said the construction of the temple would not begin on the Ramotsava Day as projected. …
Mysuru: Journalist turned politician and sitting Mysuru-Kodagu BJP MP, 42-year old Pratap Simha, offered prayers to Goddess Chamundeswari at Chamundi hills and sought the blessings of Suttur Matha seer Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Swamiji before taking out a huge rally and filing his nomination at the DC office in Mysuru on Monday. Mr Simha who holds a master degree in mass …