The Courtroom battle in the criminal defamation case filed by complainant, Former Union Minister Mr. M.J. Akbar against journalist Ms. Priya Ramani continued today before a Delhi Court judge, Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Ravindra Kumar Pandey. On Lack of Evidence on the Part of Ms. Priya Ramani to Prove her case The main thrust of Ms. Geeta Luthra's argument was …
The Courtroom battle in the criminal defamation case filed by complainant, Former Union Minister Mr. M.J. Akbar against journalist Ms. Priya Ramani continued today before a Delhi Court judge, Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Ravindra Kumar Pandey. Geetha Luthra's argument in the Court today was how the reputation of Mr. MJ Akbar was blemished by the statements made by Ms. Priya …