Manu S. Pillai’s 2015 historical non-fiction is a captivating narrative of the ruling family of Travancore and a compelling tale of Sethu Lakshmi Bayi, the monarch of the province, in what were the declining years of matrilineal society Author Manu S Pillai, whose debut work, The Ivory Throne: Chronicles of the House of Travancore, was recently picked up for a …
Pillai’s novel which bagged several awards including the Tata Literature Live! Best Debut Prize is a retelling of the life and work of Sethu Lakshmi Bayi, the last queen of the House of Travancore Arka Mediaworks, the studio behind the Baahubali franchise, is set to take to the screen Manu S Pillai’s award-winning novel, The Ivory Throne: Chronicles of the …