Atal Setu, is “not a picnic spot,” Mumbai Police said in a social media post as it issued a strict warning and threatened to take action against people who stop their vehicles and take photos on the bridge. Also known as the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link, Atal Setu is India’s longest sea bridge and was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra …
Akshay Kumar and Jacqueline Fernandez are currently shooting for their upcoming film, Ram Setu. Akshay has now shared a funny video featuring Jacqueline's ‘jugaad’ to curl her hair mid-air during a chopper ride. Watch and learn how to curl your hair mid-air in a helicopter @jacquelinef143.” Jacqueline is seen sitting in the window seat of a chopper, in a white …
The CoWin platform and the Aarogya Setu app will open up for registration today as Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that everyone above 18 is now eligible to be vaccinated in the country. Both CoWIN portal and Aarogya Setu platforms let a user register at least four family members for the COVID-19 vaccine. How to register for the COVID-19 vaccine …
In less than 48 hours since the Android code of the Aarogya Setu mobile application was thrown open for review, at least 165 issues of various levels of severity was flagged by the software developer community to help the government identify and plug holes -- from the way it uses Bluetooth for contact tracing to typos in the text. The …