The counting for the JNU students' union election ended late Sunday night, and the Left has won all four central panel positions. Dhananjay from the All India Students Association won the JNUSU president post by securing 2,598 votes against Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad's Umesh C Ajmeera who secured 1,676 votes. JNUSU election candidates Left's presidential candidate was Dhananjay from Gaya, …
On Tuesday, April 11, over 12 people, including five police officials were injured in a clash between the police and Left student body supporters at Barasat in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas. A clash between the police and Student Federation of India, and Democratic Youth Federation of India supporters erupted when the Left student and youth wing supporters were heading …
CPI’s student wing SFI is scheduled to organise protests across West Bengal over the “mysterious” death of Left leader Anish Khan in Howrah district. The incident has triggered widespread protests, with Congress, CPI and BJP accusing local Trinamool Congress leader of masterminding the killing, while the ruling party claimed it was a “deep-rooted conspiracy” which could have been hatched outside …