A new inspector general report from the Justice Department alleged that the Drug Enforcement Administration is engaging in shady asset forfeiture practices. The board wrote that when the practice is abused, "innocent people's property can be seized, often without criminal charges." "But the report underscores what has long been obvious: Asking law enforcement officers to police themselves on forfeitures does …
Downtown’s award-winning Sonoratown is now open in Mid-Wilshire with limited hours and the same menu of caramelos, chivis and tacos as the original location. Hours are currently limited to 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday but will eventually mirror downtown’s hours — which include dinner service — in the coming weeks. 5610 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, 490-0198, …
The Citizenship Amendment Act, that provides citizenship to persecuted religious minorities from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, has seen numerous political parties change their stands on it over the years. That is why we are disappointed by recent statements by the Chief Justice of India on a complex matter relating to illegal detention and deportation, without heeding India’s own constitutional and …