Following the arrest of five people in connection with the case where a shopkeeper was assaulted for allegedly playing loud ‘bhajans’ during ‘Azaan’ time in Bengaluru’s Nagarathpete, an FIR has been filed by the accused’s mother, who was arrested on the court’s direction, against the shopkeeper, the police said on Friday. Six individuals, identified as Sulaiman, Shahnawaz, Rohit, Danish, and …
An argument between a group of youth and a mobile phone shop owner over a loudspeaker on Juma Masjid Road on Siddanna Street in Nagarathpete in Bengaluru took on a communal colour after the opposition BJP party accused the ruling Congress party and the police of trying to protect the accused. The incident occurred on March 17 around 6.25 pm …
Observing that the investigating agency cannot cover up the flaw in the case by recording supplementary statements, a Delhi Court has discharged ten accused persons in a case concerning North East Delhi riots.Additional Sessions Judge Vinod Yadav discharged accused namely Mohd Shahnawaz, Shahrukh, Rashid, Azad, Ashraf Ali, Parvez, Md. Observing that the investigating agency cannot cover up the flaw in …
The Special Investigation Team probing the Delhi violence that led to the killing of 53 people has arrested one more person from Shiv Vihar for his involvement in the riots. The SIT claimed that Shahnawaz burnt many shops in Shiv Vihar during the riots and was also involved in stone pelting. An officer of the Delhi Police crime branch said, …