On 11th November, the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad confirmed that they had apprehended four members of the Aligarh module of the jihadi terrorist organisation ISIS. The Pune ISIS Module Interestingly, the Aligarh ISIS Module was busted by the investigation agencies on the sidelines of arrests that were made in connection to the Pune ISIS module. On 11th August, NIA said …
After Delhi Police arrested three suspected Islamic State terrorists, Karnataka Police have said that they are in constant touch with Delhi police officials regarding the arrests. Police said initial interrogation revealed that the accused conducted elaborate recce in Western Ghats, southern India, including Hubbali, Dharwad, and Ahmedabad in Gujarat to establish their hideouts. The Special Cell of Delhi Police in …
New Delhi: Delhi Police on Monday arrested three suspected Islamic State terrorists, wanted by the National Investigation Agency, after a massive search operation. One of the suspected terrorists has been identified as Shahnawaz and has been arrested by Delhi Police’s Special Cell, just days after NIA announced a reward of Rs 3 lakh on him. "Delhi Police Special Cell arrests …
The special cell of Delhi Police has arrested one of National Investigation Agency’s most wanted terrorists, Shahnawaz, carrying a reward of ₹3 lakh and having alleged links with an ISIS module, officials said. Uzzama’s arrest is the part of the NIA’s ongoing efforts to apprehend individuals linked to the Pune ISIS module case. A senior Delhi Police officer said that …
Jihadi literature, live cartridges and weapons were seized from Shahnawaz and Aqib, two suspected terrorists arrested by the ATS wing of Uttar Pradesh Police in Saharanpur. We are in touch with J&K Police https://t.co/I4HzNBmk9b — ANI UP February 22, 2019 It is believed that Shahnawaz worked as a recruiter and was responsible for recruiting terrorists for the Jaish-e-Mohammad. Following the …