The Aam Aadmi Party on Monday shared documents to counter Delhi LG VK Saxena’s allegations against AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal over the alleged land use change in Shakur Basti slum. Lt Governor Saxena should apologise for spreading misinformation,” said AAP, releasing minutes from a Delhi Development Authority meeting held on December 27, 2024, to substantiate its claim. The dispute …
New Delhi: In an attempt to woo slum voters who have a significant influence on 20 Assembly seats in Delhi, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday challenged Union home minister Amit Shah, saying he will not contest the upcoming elections if the Central government withdraws all cases related to slum demolitions. They care only about their friends and political ambitions.” …
The politics over slums intensified in the National Capital on Sunday with the Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal challenging Home Minister Amit Shah that he will not contest the Delhi Assembly election if the latter withdraws within 24 hours all cases registered against slum dwellers in the last 10 years and resettles them, who have been evicted, at their …