Pyaar Ka Punchnama actor Sonnalli Seygall is getting married in Mumbai on Wednesday. Bride and guests arrive at venue Sonnalli looked stunning in a pink saree as her friends and family members brought her to the wedding venue under a canopy of flowers. Actor Shama Sikander, actor Karan Grover and more people were clicked by the Mumbai paparazzi as they …
Actress Sonnalli Seygall, who became popular with her performance in Pyaar Ka Punchnama, tied the knot today, June 7. The list includes several popular stars like director Luv Ranjan, co-stars Kartik Aaryan and Sunny Singh, Shama Sikander and Chahatt Khanna. SONNALLI SEYGALL GETS MARRIED TO ASHESH SAJNANI Actress Sonnalli Seygall, who has been a part of films like Pyaar Ka …