Tuesday was like any other day for the Pinjari family from Amalner in the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. As the clock struck 10.30 pm, Shamim Pinjari anxiously waited for her son, Jishan Pinjari - studying in the first year of MBBS at Novgorod State University, Russia, along with his cousin sister, Jia Pinjari – to call. Jishan Pinjari and his …
ANANTAPUR: Shamim, the second wife of assassinated former minister Y.S. Vivekananda Reddy, on Friday made a statement to the CBI, in relation to the murder, and spoke about her her love affair, marriage and disputes with the first wife of the victim, her family members and relatives. Shamim also informed the CBI that she couldn’t see Vivekananda Reddy’s body as …