Hina Khan and Dheeraj Dhoopar, who were seen as Sarvashrestha Naagin and Cheel on Naagin 5, have reunited for an upcoming music video. Dheeraj Dhoopar shared a short clip on Instagram, which shows a photo frame that has his and Hina Khan's romantic picture. A couple of days ago, Hina Khan also shared a picture where she hid her and …
Actress Hina Khan, who was recently seen in Ekta Kapoor's Naagin 5, has shared that the premiere episodes of the new season were the most watched on the channel. Hina took to Instagram stories and shared, "Naagin season 5 premiere no. Congrats 🎊 @eyehinakhan.for once again fetching whopping TRP for another show 🙌be as Akshara, Komolika in present as #Naageshwari …