Actor Sharad Malhotra, who plays the role of Veer in Naagin 5, has recovered from Covid-19 and resumed shooting for the show. The actor said that his co-star Surbhi Chandna, who is seen as Bani was very happy to have him back on the sets. I am glad that we are back to doing what we do best – entertaining …
Actress Hina Khan, who was recently seen in Ekta Kapoor's Naagin 5, has shared that the premiere episodes of the new season were the most watched on the channel. Hina took to Instagram stories and shared, "Naagin season 5 premiere no. Congrats 🎊 @eyehinakhan.for once again fetching whopping TRP for another show 🙌be as Akshara, Komolika in present as #Naageshwari …