Created and co-directed by Atul Mongia, Netflix India’s latest original series Mai stars Sakshi Tanwar as Sheel, a mother who sets out to track down the culprits after her daughter is killed under mysterious circumstances. Atul, when you were writing the show and creating this character, at which point did you think ‘it has to be Sakshi Tanwar’? Sakshi, what …
Series: 'Mai' Duration: Average 48 minutes per episode Directors: Atul Mongia, Anshai Lal Cast: Sakshi Tanwar, Vivek Mushran, Raima Sen, Prashant Narayanan, Seema Pahwa, Anant Vidhaat, Vaibhav Raj Gupta, Omkar Jaiprakash Rating: *** This six-episode series has a familiar premise. The prologue of this series unfurls on a shaky note showcasing how Sheel, a doctor working at Geeta Bhawan - …
Language: Hindi In a scene from Netflix’s Mai, Sheel played by a watered-down Sakshi Tanwar rummages a junkyard for a lost object she expects to barter for a clue about her daughter’s mysterious accident-turned-murder. There is a hint of Pataal Lok ’s brutality to Mai and the nihilistic world that the story is set in gives offers new hurdles, more …
The makers of Sakshi Tanwar starrer crime drama ‘Mai’, on Thursday, dropped a gripping trailer of the Netflix film. ‘Mai’ is a layered, crime drama and thriller series produced by Karnesh Ssharma of Clean Slate Filmz and directed by Anshai Lal & Atul Mongia. With Sakshi Tanwar at the helm, Mai hosts an exciting ensemble including actors, Vivek Mushran, Wamiqa …