Actor Nitish Bharadwaj, who played the role of Lord Krishna in BR Chopra's television serial Mahabharat, has reacted to the controversy over a sex scene in Oppenheimer featuring the Sanskrit scripture Bhagavad Gita. Oppenheimer lovemaking scene In Christopher Nolan's film, Oppenheimer -- played by Cillian Murphy -- is shown having sex with psychologist Jean Tatler as she asks him to …
Filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer has been grabbing the headlines for all reasons among the Indian cinegoers. While the biographical drama has performed phenomenally well at the box office, the scene where Jean makes Oppenheimer read Bhagwad Geeta while getting over him and doing sexual intercourse, has sparked outrage among the audience. Now actor Nitish Bhardwaj, who played Lord Krishna in …
Bollywood power couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan's darling daughter Aaradhya Bachchan is one of the most loved star kids. An Instagram account by the name Monks In Happiness shared few pictures from the fairytale wedding along with a heartfelt caption where they shared that how during the bidaai ceremony Aishwarya’s daughter, Aaradhya’s voice comforted Shloka and her mother who …