Joe Biden on Thursday called an Iowa voter a "damn liar" and challenged him to a push-up contest after the man questioned the former vice president's age and his son's business dealings in Ukraine. The man said the presidential hopeful was "too old" to be president and likened Biden's diplomatic dealings with Ukraine to President Donald Trump's. Biden also appeared …
Trump, Ukraine And The Path To The Impeachment Inquiry: A Timeline Enlarge this image toggle caption AFP/Getty Images and Getty Images AFP/Getty Images and Getty Images Updated Oct. 25, 2019 When President Trump spoke to Volodymyr Zelenskiy on July 25, Trump held the keys to two things the new Ukrainian president needed in order to demonstrate he had full U.S. …
Giuliani and Trump have repeatedly made the unsubstantiated allegation that former Vice President Joe Biden, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination to face Trump in 2020, pushed for the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin while Biden was in office in order to shield Ukranian energy company Burisma, which his son Hunter Biden served on the board of. …
President Donald Trump repeatedly pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a July phone call to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of leading Democratic rival Joe Biden. He asked Volker to set up the meeting, which he did, and then briefed the State Department on it but said he was acting 'in a personal capacity' August 12: The Inspector General of …