Rep. Jim Jordan speaks during a House Oversight Committee hearing in September about an impeachment of President Biden. Deposed Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched the Biden impeachment inquiry in September without securing a floor vote, thus avoiding a scenario in which saner members of his fragile majority — including Republicans elected in districts where Biden is popular — might rebel. Republicans …
Republicans have threatened to impeach President Joe Biden so many times that it’s become natural to tune out every new attempt. In a press conference back in May, Comer claimed he had found evidence of “federal crimes committed,” noting with some sense of drama that whistleblowers “fear for their lives.” In March, he told Fox that there were “whistleblowers” who …
Trump, Ukraine And The Path To The Impeachment Inquiry: A Timeline Enlarge this image toggle caption AFP/Getty Images and Getty Images AFP/Getty Images and Getty Images Updated Oct. 25, 2019 When President Trump spoke to Volodymyr Zelenskiy on July 25, Trump held the keys to two things the new Ukrainian president needed in order to demonstrate he had full U.S. …