Radhika Merchant, along with her parents, recently visited the Shrinathji Temple in Nathdwara. Usually seen in couture pieces and luxury jewels, Radhika opted for a more minimal look this time, wearing a pretty pink ethnic suit for the temple visit. Radhika Merchant stuns in regal pink anarkali suit at Shrinathji Temple visit. For her ethnic look, Radhika opted for a …
Anant Ambani, the younger son of Mukesh Ambani, got engaged to long-time sweetheart Radhika Merchant in a small, intimate ceremony at the Shrinathji temple in Rajasthan’s Nathdwara. Lord Shrinathji is believed to be the deity of the Ambani family and it is said that before the brothers — Mukesh and Anil — parted ways, they would visit the temple together. …