On Friday, several members associated with a Hindu organization named Rashtriya Shriram Sangha were brutally assaulted by a mob of Muslims in Manmad area of Nashik district in Maharashtra. Complaint copy obtained by OpIndia Chuniyan stated in the complaint that accused Aman Sheikh, Salman Pathan, Taufik Sheikh, Sameer Sheikh and Lalyya Pathan barged into the Sangha office at around 4 …
Madhuri Dixit is impressing her fans with one stunning look after another. On Tuesday, she shared a photo of herself in her outfit for a date night with husband, Dr Shriram Nene. Madhuri Dixit with husband Dr Shriram Nene in Maldives. A spokesperson of Colors channel had confirmed the reports and said, "Some crew members associated with our show Dance …
Madhuri Dixit is having her time of life with hubby Dr Shriram Nene as they spent time vacationing in Maldives. The actress went on a romantic candlelight dinner with Dr Nene and shared a picture of their evening on social media. The couple's romantic candlelight dinner was followed by an adventurous ride in Maldives. Madhuri recently made headlines when some …