March 23 is celebrated as Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day in India. The day commemorates the hanging of India’s three freedom fighters Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar, and Shivaram Rajguru. The three young freedom fighters, who believed in the ideology of making some noise to wake up the slumbering British rulers, were hanged by the colonialists on March 23, 1931 in …
A march was organised in Pakistan’s Lahore on Tuesday as tribute to Bhagat Singh on his death anniversary. The legacy of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru is alive today more than ever,” Progressive Students’ Collective of Pakistan wrote as it shared the video on Twitter. اے بھگت سنگھ تو زندہ ہےہر ایک لہو کے قطرے میں ہر انقلاب کے نعرے …
Were Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru sentenced to death in Lahore on February 14, 1931? India Today Anti Fake News War Room has found that the judgment sentencing Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru to death was delivered by a Lahore court on October 7, 1930. Eminent legal scholar AG Noorani, in his book "The Trial of Bhagat Singh - Politics …