JD-U MP Devesh Chandra Thakur has stirred up a political row with his remarks on the Yadav and Muslim communities in his constituency — Sitamarhi. Thakur, who recently won the Sitamarhi Lok Sabha seat, said he was disappointed over the fact that he didn't receive votes from Muslims and Yadavs, groups that are traditionally aligned with Lalu Prasad Yadav's RJD, …
PATNA: Janata Dal-United MP Devesh Chandra Thakur has ignited a huge controversy with his remarks that he will not entertain requests for help from people from the Muslim and Yadav communities because they didn’t vote for him in the Sitamarhi Lok Sabha election. Devesh Chandra Thakur Thakur won the Sitamarhi seat with a 51,000 margin over the Rashtriya Janata Dal’s …