Union Home Minister Amit Shah, while addressing an election rally in Sitamarhi Lok Sabha seat in Bihar on Thursday, targeted RJD and Congress-led Mahagathbandhan, saying 'Bihar needs 'vikasraj', not 'jungleraj''. The Home Minister said Congress and RJD never thought of conferring Bharat Ratna on former Bihar chief minister Karpoori Thakur, but the Modi government did. Amit Shah rakes up 'Pakistan …
Lok Sabha Elections 2024: With the first phase of the upcoming Lok Sabha election less than a month away, the Janata Dal-United, an ally of the National Democratic Alliance, has announced a list of 16 candidates in Bihar, in accordance with the seat-sharing agreement within the alliance. Here's list of 16 candidates Shivhar: Lovely Anand Sitamarhi: Devesh Chandra Thakur Valmikinagar: …