Senior Congress leader Pradip Bhattacharya on Monday said that the party is paying the price for expelling state Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal. Addressing the press, the veteran Congress leader said the then Congress state president Somen Mitra had expelled Banerjee in 1997 following instructions from the then party chief Sitaram Kesri due to …
Speculation is rife over 'G 23' Congress dissenters getting an audience with party's interim chief Sonia Gandhi. For Sonia, who holds a distinction of being the longest-serving All India Congress Committee chief in the 136-year history of the Congress, the meeting may see history repeat itself like in 1996 and then 1998 when two serving Congress presidents, first PV Narasimha …
Sitaram Kesri who served as Congress’ party president from 1996 to 1998 after which he was unceremoniously removed to make way for Sonia Gandhi, has not found space on the party’s official website as well. Soon, Sitaram Kesri, who was the Congress party president, was being forced to step down to make way for Sonia Gandhi to become the party …