Tamil actor Sivakarthikeyan's performance in Amaran continues to make waves. The actor, who recently played Major Mukund Varadarajan in the biographical war film, was honoured by the prestigious Officers Training Academy in Chennai on Wednesday, November 27, for his portrayal of the real-life hero. Here is Sivakarthikeyan's viral picture with the members of the OTA: Raaj Kamal Films International, the …
Another Tamil movie 'Amaran' has received positive talk in two Telugu states, with collections of Rs 2 crores. The film features Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi and has been sold for Rs 5 crore in Telugu states, with the story depicting the life of Major Mukund Varadarajan who leads his team against Pakistani terrorists threatening peace in Kashmir.
Director PS Mithran's recently-released film Hero starring Sivakarthikeyan, Abhay Deol and Arjun is receiving mixed reviews at the box office. Recently, an aspiring director named Bosco Prabhu has accused PS Mithran of plagiarising his story to make Sivakarthikeyan-starrer Hero. However, PS Mithran convened a press meet on December 24 to explain his stance and how the Union should compare the …
Sivakarthikeyan’s Hero had kept the fans waiting with excitement ever since the first trailer of the film was dropped. The interesting storyline featuring Sivakarthikeyan as a real-life hero has left the fans impressed and it was topped with the film's splendid background score. The film will also mark Abhay Deol's Tamil debut who features as the antagonist in the film. …