非洲国家卢旺达正在全国上下推行美白和漂白产品禁令,因为这些产品“很不健康”。世界卫生组织指出,美白产品中所含的一些化合物会造成肝损伤,降低人体抵抗力,还会加重焦虑、抑郁和精神错乱症状。也就是说,这些产品虽然能让你变白,但对你的身体很不好,还会让你感觉很不好…… CNN网站截图 The Rwandan government is sending officials across the country to enforce its ban on skin lightening and bleaching products. 卢旺达政府正在全国各地推行美白及漂白产品禁令。 The African country is leading a campaign against skin bleaching and substandard cosmetics, particularly products that include hydroquinone, a spokesman from the Rwanda Standards Board told CNN. 卢旺达政府的一名发言人告诉CNN说:“一切有助于身体和脸部皮肤漂白的成分都被禁止了。” "We are now putting much effort, like educating people, going …