Model-turned-actress Shraddha Das is popularly known for her work in Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali, and Kannada films. Recently, Shraddha shared another couple of pictures where she is seen slaying in a white sleeveless multicoloured top teamed with a peach-coloured long skirt. Seeing the post, one of the users commented, “Mam To Be Honest, You Are The Prettiest Girl On The …
Aamir Khan’s daughter flaunted a stunning lehenga and even though Nupur did flaunt his gym clothes, he did appear in a traditional dress to pose for the paparazzi later Aamir Khan and film producer Reena Dutta’s daughter Ira Khan on Wednesday tied the knot with her long-time partner Nupur Shikhare. Ira, who is the founder and CEO of a mental …
Actors Kajol and Ajay Devgn attended the special screening of his much-anticipated film Drishyam 2 in Mumbai last night. Kajol and Ajay Devgn attend Drishyam 2 screening. Kajol and Ajay Devgn attend Drishyam 2 screening On Thursday night, Ajay Devgn and Kajol attended the screening of his film Drishyam 2. Regarding Kajol's outfit for the screening, the actor's black chiffon …
Addison Rae and Omer Fedi attended the 70th Annual BMI Pop Awards at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles on Tuesday night. In attendance: Addison Rae and Omer Fedi attended the BMI Pop Awards at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on Tuesday night Rae wore a sleeveless silver gown that displayed her toned arms while attending the event. Va va …