Alia Bhatt, Shraddha Kapoor, and Janhvi Kapoor were spotted at Manish Malhotra's Diwali party, showcasing beautiful and unique fashion choices. Alia Bhatt opted for a stunning pink lehenga with a light multi-colored patchwork, while Shraddha Kapoor looked radiant in a zari saree teamed with a matching blouse. Janhvi Kapoor opted for a multi-colored saree that added a touch of drama …
Bollywood actor Gauahar Khan arrived in Delhi recently to attend her best friend's wedding festivities. Gauahar Khan in sleeveless blouse and lehenga is the most stunning bridesmaid ever Gauahar chose a beauteous embroidered pink and purple lehenga set for her friend's wedding ceremony and turned into the most beautiful bridesmaid ever. Gauahar's multi-coloured lehenga is from the shelves of the …