The division bench of Gauhati High Court on Wednesday set aside an interim order by a single bench which suspended an order passed by the State Level Caste Scrutiny Committee which opined that Naba Kumar Sarania, a sitting Lok Sabha member from Kokrajhar constituency does not belong to Bodo/Bodo Kachari community, which is a recognized ST community in Assam. Further, …
Teenagers have rescued seven people from drowning in two separate incidents on the NSW South Coast. Key points: A family of four and two teenage girls were saved by teens on boogie boards Saturday evening A young man was saved by another group of teenagers in a separate incident nearby days earlier The teenagers used skills learned at nippers and …
The Tripura High Court recently dismissed the plea of a person claiming to belong to scheduled caste, seeking quashing the summons issued by Member-Secretary, State Level Scrutiny Committee calling upon the petitioner to appear before the Committee for verification. The decision came from Justice T. Amarnath Goud who held that merely because the Petitioner had a favourable report in his …