The funeral of former PM Manmohan Singh, who passed away on Thursday evening in Delhi, will take place on Saturday. This is in keeping with such tradition of having memorials of statesmen and former Prime Ministers at the very place of their funerals.” Kharge added in the letter, “In view of the foregoing, I hope and trust that befitting the …
After Haridwar, Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s ashes will be immersed in various rivers across the country. New Delhi: The ashes of former Indian prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee will be immersed in various rivers across the country, beginning from Haridwar on Sunday. Late #AtalBihariVajpayee's daughter Namita and granddaughter Niharika arrive at Smriti Sthal in Delhi to collect ashes of the former …