She has an appetite for wearing and designing high-end fashion. And on Wednesday, Nadia Bartel was happy to show off her brand new black loafers, which come with an eye-watering price tag. Expensive taste: On Wednesday, Nadia Bartel posed on the floor in a chic all-black ensemble while drawing attention to her designer loafers - and you'll never guess how …
Lauren Mand was hard at work on Tuesday night, staying late at the office. Lauren captioned the photograph: 'After 6pm, peace and quiet in the office' She wore soft makeup in pink and golden tones, and her blonde hair was loose around her face. The blonde has been making headlines since her relationship with boyfriend Jimmy Bartel went public last …
She's the social media superstar with more than 620,000 followers on Instagram. And on Thursday, Nadia Bartel made sure to document her every move online when she attended a Mercedes-Benz event in Melbourne. Picture perfect: Nadia Bartel took selfies at a Mercedes-Benz event in Melbourne on Thursday She later struck a few animated poses while her sister Michelle Coppolino snapped …
Jimmy Bartel has been linked to another new woman following his split with wife Nadia. The rumours of Jimmy's new romance come after the former AFL star and Nadia were pictured having a tense reunion outside of Nadia's mother's house in Middle Park, Melbourne on Thursday. London lady: The reports come after Jimmy was linked to London-based socialite Lauren Mand …