Shalini Passi, the socialite who gained popularity after appearing in the latest season of Netflix's Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, recently revealed in an interview that Shah Rukh Khan's wife Gauri Khan expressed "genuine concern" for her after watching the show. Shalini Passi, the socialite featured in Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, cherishes her friendship with Gauri Khan. Earlier, at …
A rare square 37-carat emerald owned by the Aga Khan has fetched nearly $9million at auction in Geneva, making it the world's most expensive green stone. In 1960, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan commissioned Cartier to set the emerald in a brooch with 20 marquise-cut diamonds for British socialite Nina Dyer, who he was briefly married to. A Christie's employee displays …
Yet another book on Moni Mohsin’s charming Social Butterfly, hurrah! She desperately wants to be an “influenza” on Instagram so she can make people sizzle with jealousy at photographs of her designer bags and shoes, meals with “erotic” fruit like nectarines, destination holidays, etc. She discovers that lit fests are places that she absolutely must be seen at, even though …