While installing employee monitoring software in staff devices has become standard practice across several industries, the advent of AI could push surveillance to unprecedented levels. Concerns about the use of AI in tracking employee activity were highlighted in a viral Reddit post, where one person claimed that a “pretty big” productivity monitoring software suite is capable of not only tracking …
Gartner, a technology research and consulting firm, estimates that 60% of large corporations now employ monitoring software, double the share of early last year. But Brian Kropp, Gartner’s chief of human resource research who has been surveying companies, said that “most employers have not told their employees they’re doing this, which actually creates a real problem.” ExpressVPN, in a recent …
An estimated 13% of remote workers are experiencing their employer using software to monitor their behavior during working hours, labor union CNV said. In reality, the number is probably even higher because not everyone is aware of software being used”, CNV chair Piet Fortuin said. Simultaneously, there has been a large increasing in interest among Dutch companies for monitoring software …
Employee tracking is an intrusive process of collecting relevant information related to employee's performance at the workplace with the help of technology-oriented software. Advantages of employee tracking system Tracking employees is considered as one of the effective ways of improving the efficiency and productivity of the business organization. Address attendance issues The main objective of introducing employee tracking software is …