Gautam Adani and the residents of Mumbai's Dharavi slum couldn't be further apart on the wealth scale. "For us, Dharavi is the heart of India, the residents who live here belong to different castes and religions," Mr Galwani said. Without saying how Dharavi's residents will be rehomed, Mr Adani claims in his blog that they'll get "gas, water, electricity, sanitation, …
In the eastern edge of the Himalayas, the Kingdom of Bhutan is one of the most isolated nations on the planet. Bhutan's Prime Minister Lotay Tshering has acknowledged successive governments may have failed these people and, with such growing discontent, it has put the country's happiness philosophy into question. Since June last year, 1.4 per cent of Bhutan's population has …
Across the road from Colombo's famous seaside park, Galle Face Green, a tent city filled with young people has been buzzing with activity for the past four months. It is the hub of Sri Lanka's anti-government protest movement — a motley collection of colourful tents that has become home to a few hundred people. Sri Lankans blame the pair, as …
Every year, more than a billion people sweat their way through India and Pakistan's dreaded heatwaves, which usually begin in late May. "There is overwhelming evidence in the scientific community that climate change is playing a role in causing temperature extremes to be more frequent, more intense and more elongated," Professor Mondal said. Power grid overloaded amid sweltering heat The …
For days they hid underground in the freezing cold with no food or sanitation before the group of Indian students decided to make a run for it. "Things in Kharkiv escalated, the shellings were heavy," said Adwaith, a Kharkiv National Medical University student from India. "It was about four kilometres from one station to another," Indian student Nithin Sanesar from …