Indian Navy, who recently captured 35 Somalian Pirates, handed to Mumbai Police on Saturday following fulfilling formalities of Customs and Immigration. Recently, the Indian Navy rescued 17 crew members of the vessel MV Ruen during an anti-piracy operation and captured 35 Somalian pirates. Based on the information, the Indian Navy directed INS Kolkata to intercept Pirate Ship Ruen. The Indian …
The Indian warship INS Kolkata, carrying 35 pirates apprehended in an operation off the coast of Somalia, reached Mumbai on Saturday morning. — ANI March 23, 2024 Addressing media over the issue of ‘unsafe sea’, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral R Hari Kumar said, “More than 90 maritime incidents have happened from November to March… This includes both …
In yet another daring operation in the Arabian Sea, the Indian Navy’s warship, INS Sumitra, rescued 19 Pakistani crew members onboard an Iran-flagged fishing vessel, Al Naeemi, from armed Somalian pirates. #INSSumitra Carries out 2nd Successful #AntiPiracy Ops – Rescuing 19 Crew members & Vessel from Somali Pirates.Having thwarted the Piracy attempt on FV Iman, the warship has carried out …
India has deployed two guided-missile destroyers off the coast of Aden as part of maritime security in the northern Arabian Sea. The US, on the other hand, has introduced a multinational naval force to protect merchant ships from Iran-backed Houthi militia in the Red Sea. India has sent another stealth guided missile destroyer INS Kolkata to boost the maritime security …