Senior Congress leader Pradip Bhattacharya on Monday said that the party is paying the price for expelling state Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal. Addressing the press, the veteran Congress leader said the then Congress state president Somen Mitra had expelled Banerjee in 1997 following instructions from the then party chief Sitaram Kesri due to …
Kolkata: West Bengal Congress veteran Pradip Bhattacharya claimed on Saturday that his party has still been making "atonement" of expelling Mamata Banerjee from the organisation in 1997. “Congress is still making atonement for expelling Mamata from the party. He told me that Sitaram Kesri gave the order to expel her and he would have to implement it immediately.” The former …
West Bengal Congress president Somen Mitra passed away at a Kolkata hospital in the wee hours of Thursday. Notably, in the late 90's, during Mitra's second term as the party president, Congress was forced to relinquish its standing as the main opposition to the then powerful Left Front regime to the TMC. It was then that Mamata Banerjee, who was …
Mitra was among the most firebrand Congress leaders of the 1960s and 1970s and played a crucial role in the fight against the Naxals in Kolkata Kolkata: West Bengal Congress president Somen Mitra has died due to heart and kidney-related ailments at a city hospital. May his soul rest in peace 🙏 — WB Youth Congress July 29, 2020 …