Actor Johnny Depp on Wednesday won a high-profile defamation case between him and his ex-wife, Amber Heard. Disha Patani extended her support by sharing a photo of Johnny's character Jack sparrow from the film Pirates of the Caribbean and said, "No body can ever replace you." #TruthWins.” Greg Ellis, who played Lieutenant Commander Groves in Johnny's Pirates of the Caribbean …
Singer KK’s sudden death has left the entire Indian music industry shocked including Sona Mohapatra. Sona who shares a track---Dil Aaj Kal, from the 2014 film, Purani Jeans, shared with Hindustan Times that she is still trying to process the news of KK’s death. During a brief interaction, Sona said, “I am completely in shock after listening to this crazy …
Singer Sona Mohapatra shared a picture from one of her photoshoots and observed that it ‘barely looks like’ her. Taking to Twitter, Sona Mohapatra posted the photo and wrote, “This pic barely looks like me?Exactly the kind of pics our actresses put out professionally. I quite the real me you see.hehehe.” Sona also shared the image on Instagram and wrote …
Singer Sona Mohapatra has shared a list of eight suggestions which she wants implemented in Bollywood to ‘smash the patriarchy’ the right way. Amid the ‘Smash The Patriarchy’ campaign for Rhea Chakraborty, who was arrested earlier this week by the Narcotics Control Bureay, Sona took to Twitter to show the “right way” of doing it. #SmashThePatriarchy.” Sharing more suggestions from …
Sona Mohapatra has lashed out at trolls who shamed her for sharing swimsuit photos. 2020, here I come.” Sona Mohapatra has hit out at the people who criticised her for her swimsuit photos. “I shared some last evening & ppl wrote in saying ‘wearing slut clothes & then saying #MeToo?!’. Sona also got into a Twitter spat with hairstylist and …