Actor Sonakshi Sinha, who appeared on game show Kaun Banega Crorepati recently, found herself at the target of not just internet trolls and meme-generators but even the show host Amitabh Bachchan. One user shared a meme that had Sonakshi crying and saying, ‘Main astronaut banana chahti hu, scientist banana chahti hu, bus padhna nahi chahti.” Another user shared an image …
Sonakshi Sinha appeared on Kaun Banega Crorepati 11 along with Ruma Devi, an artisan and activist from Barmer, Rajasthan on Friday, September 20. Names of few people from #SonakshiSinha 's family: Shatrughan Luv Kush Ram Lakshman Bharat Name of his father's residence: RAMAYANA Now watch this video to know why #YoSonakshiSoDumb is trending. Tejas September 21, 2019 Internet said …