Anushka Shetty has joined the shooting of Malayalam film, 'Kathanar - The Wild Sorcerer'. Rojin Thomas took to Facebook to share a couple of pictures with Anushka Shetty. Sharing the photos, director Rojin Thomas wrote, "Honoured to collaborate with the exceptional Anushka Shetty on our Kathanar's cinematic journey! 'Kathanar' marks Anushka Shetty debut in Malayalam cinema.
Police here on Monday claimed to have cracked the case of a girl’s gruesome murder with the arrest of four persons a sorcerer who had ordered human sacrifice, a villager who fell into the black magic trap and two others who helped perform the heinous act. Munger Superintendent of Police J J Reddy told reporters here that one of the …
Bihar Police on Monday claimed to have cracked the case of a girl’s gruesome murder with the arrest of four persons a sorcerer who had ordered human sacrifice, a villager who fell into the black magic trap and two others who helped perform the heinous act. Munger Superintendent of Police J J Reddy told PTI that one of the accused, …