Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan, who made his acting debut with Netflix's Maharaj, said he auditioned for Laapataa Ladies, however, the role ultimately went to Sparsh Shrivastava. Junaid Khan couldn't grab a role in Laapataa Ladies in spite of appearing for a screen test. In Laal Singh Chaddha, Aamir Khan played the titular role, and co-produced the film, which was …
Junaid Khan reveals In an interview with Vickey Lalwani on his YouTube channel, Junaid looked back at giving the audition. Junaid said, "You would have seen me in Laal Singh Chaddha because I tested for it, along with Kiran Rao. Aamir co-produced Laal Singh Chaddha, which was an official remake of the 1994 American classic Forrest Gump, which starred Tom …