Hotstar Specials presents Home Shanti, a beautiful tale of a Dehradun-based family’s journey to build their dream house, created and produced by Posham Pa Pictures. Supriya Pathak, who plays Home Shanti in Disney+ Hotstar’s new slice-of-life series, says this about her character. Hotstar Specials is proud to present With its storyline featuring the lovably chaotic lives of Umesh Joshi, a …
Created and Produced by Posham Pa Pictures, Hotstar Specials presents Home Shanti, is a heartwarming tale of a Dehradun-based family’s quest to build their dream house. With its latest series, Hotstar Specials presents Home Shanti, Disney+ Hotstar delivers fans an all-new scrumptious slice-of-life drama that is warm and alive with sweet, family life nuggets. Hotstar Specials is proud to present …
Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety, SK Pathak, who heads a wing that investigates serious rail accidents, has reportedly written to the Railway Board chairman asking that ‘abundant caution’ be exercised about migrants walking near train tracks under the false impression that no trains were plying due to the COVID-19 lockdown. According to Hindustan Times, in the letter, written hours after …
Vinay Pathak says he signed Chhappad Phaad Ke because he related to the very contemporary theme of finding your moral compass in a consumerist world. Vinay Pathak will next be seen in Hotstar Specials film Chhappad Phaad Ke, which will start streaming on the platform from 18 October. Hotstar Specials movie Chhappad Phaad Ke explores the intrinsic relationship of morals …