Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, who wished his fans and followers on Rama Navami, shared an adorable video of his daughter dancing to a Rama Kirtana. Now, the little one has again made her parents proud as she performed her first Kuchipudi dance recital on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami. Taking to his social media, the actor dropped the adorable …
Convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby is full of surprises. Bizarre: Convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby left her DWTS co-stars speechless as she performed a shocking trick with her tongue on Thursday While performing the trick, Schapelle revealed a strange split in the middle of her tongue. While performing the trick, Schapelle revealed a strange split in the middle of her …
Malayalam actor Ashwin Kkumar is over the moon as his video enacting Kamal Haasan had made the Vishwaroopam actor extremely happy. On June 12, Ashwin shared a video in which he could be seen dancing to Kamal Haasan's Annathe Aadurar song from Aboorva Sagodharargal. Here's the post: After seeing Kamal Haasan's tweet, Ashwin revealed that he was speechless and shivering …
Janhvi Kapoor's dancing skills is one thing that the 22-year-old is famous for apart from her acting skills. A fan page of Janhvi recently shared a throwback belly dancing video of the Dhadak actress with the celebrity favourite trainer, Namrata Purohit. In the video, Janhvi can be seen grooving to the sexy song, Akh Lad Jaave from the film, Loveyatri. …