MUMBAI: The Bandra-Kurla Complex police on Wednesday booked the controversy-stricken construction company Housing Development and Infrastructure Ltd and its promoter Rakesh Wadhawan in two cases of cheating and criminal conspiracy. They told the court and the police that they never signed any sale deeds, affidavits and powers of attorney that were produced by the company’s representatives to the SRA during …
Four people, including the former Mumbai Mayor and Shiv Sena leader Kishori Pednekar, have been booked for allegedly acquiring flats built under the Maharashtra government's Slum Rehabilitation Authority in suburban Worli. A case has been registered against Pednekar and three officials of a private firm for alleged cheating and forgery in connection with the acquisition of the flats located in …
BJP leader Kirit Somaiya has once again hit out at former Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray and said that the Sena leader suppressed the cheating and forgery matter related to Slum Rehabilitation Authority scheme, in which former Mayor Kishori Pednekar is allegedly involved. The BJP leader said that the chief minister was aware of the matter and, in order to …
Former Mumbai mayor and Shiv Sena leader Kishori Pednekar on Tuesday appeared before the Mumbai police in connection with a cheating case related to a Slum Rehabilitation Authority project in Dadar, an official said. Pednekar reached Dadar police station with her legal team and was interrogated for more than two hours, the official said. Speaking to reporters after her visit, …
A special court in Mumbai on Thursday sent the chairman and the managing director of Mumbai-based Omkar Realtors and Developers - Babulal Varma and Kamal Kishore Gupta - to the ED custody till January 30, a day after they were arrested in a money laundering case. The ED money laundering case against them has been filed after studying an FIR …