Talented actress Nitya Menen who wowed Telugu audiences as a cute lover girl in blockbusters like ‘Ala Modalaiyindi’, ‘Ishq’ and ‘Gundejari Galanthaiindey’ and carved a niche for herself in Tollywood. Now, she is making her debut on digital platform with “Kumari Srimathi’ with Swapna Cinema backing it. “The very talented and award-winning actress Nithya Menen plays the lead role in …
Amazon Prime Video has announced a new Telugu show titled Kumari Srimathi starring Nithya Menen directed by Gomtesh Upadhye that will premiere on 28 September. Video streaming platforms are likely to offer 50-60% of the budgets to southern language content, with these programmes seeing much traction, accounting for 30% of OTT viewership, said industry experts. Films like RRR, Beast, and …
Ever since the Narendra Modi Government came to the center, the seemingly improbable started happening to the BJP as a party. For the first time in the history of BJP in Tamil Nadu 109 eminent intellectuals from the field of Tamil literature, Tamil scholars, scientists, writers, jurists, educationalists have given a joint appeal to voters of Tamil Nadu to reelect …