Three wushu players from Arunachal Pradesh, who were to take part in the World University Games beginning on Friday in Chengdu, were issued 'stapled visas' by the Chinese embassy here, which led to the entire team being held back while the players from other sports left the country. A Wushu Association of India official said, unlike other multi-sport events like …
Terming China’s decision to revive the practice of “stapled visas” for Indian sportspersons from Arunachal Pradesh as “unacceptable”, India on July 27 lodged a strong protest and said that it would respond suitably, after Beijing refused to give normal visas to three ‘Wushu’ martial arts athletes. The team was held back after the government realised that the three athletes belonging …
The Indian wushu team's departure to Chengdu, China, on Wednesday night to compete at the World University Games was put on hold by the government as three Arunachal Pradesh players in the team were given stapled visas by China, according to people aware of the matter. China has in the past refused visas to sportspersons from Arunachal Pradesh or issued …