The Aam Aadmi Party ran a long, enthusiastic and ambitious assembly elections campaign in Gujarat since March, led by the party’s national convener Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann, in a bid to replicate their success in the Surat civic body polls in 2021. For a first timer, AAP won 27 seats, a vote share of 28%, in …
LUCKNOW: Intense lobbying has begun in the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party as well as the main opposition Samajwadi Party, for candidature against the 13 vacancies in the state’s Vidhan Parishad, the upper house of the legislature. The BJP currently dominates the 100-member UP legislative council with 66 MLCs, followed by 11 of the main opposition Samajwadi Party. Elections if required, …