When Elon Musk launched Starlink, the satellite internet service under his SpaceX umbrella, it was hailed as a technological breakthrough capable of bringing the internet to even the remotest corners of the world. The government launched a high-level probe after two major incidents—a massive drug bust in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and an insurgency-related raid in Manipur—revealed the use …
Militant groups have been using Elon Musk’s satellite-based Starlink devices, currently not licensed in India, during internet and mobile shutdowns in ethnic violence-hit Manipur, The Guardian reported, citing sources within armed groups and the police. The Guardian report, published on Friday, comes days after SpaceX founder Elon Musk clarified that Starlink satellite beams are disabled over India, responding to claims …
The story so far: Billionaire Elon Musk has denied claims that his space company SpaceX’s satellite internet technology Starlink is being used by militants in Manipur. Starlink satellite beams are turned off over India.” The Starlink device also had “RPF/PLA” written on it, which refers to a Myanmar-based Meitei extremist group that is banned in India. The key question is …
A salesman at Moscow-based online retailer shopozz.ru has supplemented his usual business of peddling vacuum cleaners and dashboard phone mounts by selling dozens of Starlink internet terminals that wound up with Russians on the front lines in Ukraine. Although Russia has banned the use of Starlink, the satellite-internet service developed by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, middlemen have proliferated in recent months …
spacex will launch another 60 of its Starlink internet satellites into space tonight, bringing the total number in orbit around the Earth to 482. SpaceX is adding to the total of 422 Starlink satellites already in orbit since the last launch from NASA's Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida in April. Featured is a picture of the firm's launch …